
Hollis-8 months

I am obviously trying to play catch-up here with our little monkey and all of her many milestones as of late.  She truly changes so much from day to day, it has become difficult to document it all.  I am so scared that I am goign to forget the little things and I want to try to become better at documenting everything.

So, on to whats been happening with Hollis at 8 months...

Our little petite wonder is still in size 2 diapers and is wearing 6-9 months clothes.  Most of the 9 month clothes are still a little big on her with the exception of her sleepers...she wears a 9 month in those.  She still wears some 3 month pants but those are slowly becoming too short.

Her hair is growing in finally and I love it!  It is the smae color as my hair (naturally), which is pretty much a  strawberry blonde-blonde but when the light hits it just right you can see some peachy tints to it.
No more little bald spot in the back, which makes me kind of sad b/c it reminds me that she is growing up and is no longer a newborn. :(

She is all.over.the.place.now!  She crawls everywhere and with a purpose. She wants her toys dumped out everywhere-at home or at Nana and Pop's house. 

It is crazy to see how easy it is for her to manuever around now and reaching for things. 

This baby loves to eat!  We haven't really found a baby food yet that she doesn't finish the entire jar now.  We have started giving her a jar of baby food at night for dinner to try to get her into a routine. 
She also loves to taste anything that we are eating that we will give her (within reason of course) She hasn't really gotten the concept of swallowing solids yet but she will suck on them and spit it out when she is done.

She has learned to clap, which is too cute for words.  At first she didn't quite get it and would clap when she was crying, so we had to teach her that clapping is a happy thing. :)

Mommy and Daddy's days of relaxing on the sofa after work and letting Hollis play in the floor are O.V.E.R!
She is crawling around the entire house and of course doesn't stay in one place for very long.  She is obsessed, I mean obsessed with getting Wrigley's toys, which are disgusting and slobbery, so it is a constant battle trying to keep both of the kids happy with their own toys! :)

I still can't believe that we have an 8 month old baby...how did this happen?! :)

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