
Good Bye Pete/Gus

A few weeks ago, the Birmingham community lost a historic figure-Gus Koutroulakis of Pete's Famous Hot Dogs. 
He ran that little hot dog shop for like 70ish years and it was always a constant in my childhood.  My grandmother used to always take me there as a small child up to a grown woman to get a hot dog and a Grapico.  It is one of my many fondest memories with her and I will never forget it.  She also did the same with my mom and it has always meant so much to all of us. 
So naturally when we were leaving the art show Sunday, we had to make a quick stop by to say our good byes to not only Gus, and the tradition that followed him but to the best hot dog ever.

Mom's modeling days came right back to her
I am in love with this picture of my parents...no smiles but I guess it was just the moment that they were sharing together that meant so much...you know without a shadow of a doubt that they love each other with every ounce of their being!

1 comment:

  1. Your parents are so cute! I miss you friend!
