
Hollis-4 Months

Little bit turned 4 months old on February 25th-yes I'm way behind! 
I can not believe that she is already this old!  I never understood until now how quickly time really does fly by.

We went to the doctor Monday for her 4 month check up (and shots)...

happy baby before her shots

Here are her stats:
HC: 16 in
Ht: 25 in (17th percentile)
Wt: 13.3 lbs (30th percentile)

She did very well at the doctor and only cried for a few seconds after her shots. I think it hurts me way more than her!  We don't go back to the doctor until her 6 month appointment in May.

I know that I will probably say this every month, but this is my favorite month!

-She has begun to interact with us (and Wrigley) so much-laughing, smiling (cheesin') all of the time and "talking". 

-She loves to roll around on the floor, especially since she can roll over now! She rolls from her back to her tummy and does it all of the time! We managed to get her to roll over from tummy to back one time but not since.  Hoping this month she will get better with that one.
-She has also discovered Wrigley in the last week and thinks he is pretty funny when he barks and wrestles with daddy!
-She discovered her feet!

-She started blowing raspberries-she thinks this is hilarious! She will do this when she is super happy or when she is upset and we aren't picking her up in the appropriate amount of time! Sassy girl!

-She is offically in 3 month clothes now and is wearing some 3-6 months sleepers
-She is in size 1 diapers and I think she will be in those for a bit longer
-She loves her toys and is now reaching out for them and holding them and her paci

We love her so much and can't imagine what on earth we did before we had her in our lives. 
We are truly stunned every night as she falls asleep on one of us at how very lucky we are that we were blessed with such a beautiful, healthy baby!  God didn't have to be so gracious to us but he did and he chose us to be the paretns to this sassy little blessing we call Hollis!
We love you little bit!


  1. Gosh, she is such a doll and a little bit! And I can't believe she is 4 months either! And yes, every stage/age is my favorite too. They are all so different and fun! You guys all look so happy!

  2. What a little doll!!! I see her looking more like you, Amanda!! AND I LOVE the pictures of her and big brother!! I can't wait til she crawls all over him!!

