
Hollis' first trip to the zoo

We decided to spend our St. Patty's Day this year at the zoo.  The weather was perfect and even though Hollis wasn't quite aware of where we were at, it was fun just to get out and enjoy the nice weather as a family with good friends. :)

This was by far my fav of the day-this lion kept roaring so loud and was perched up on that rock like the true king of the jungle!
Hollis enjoyed him too. :)
Hollis was more interested in Baylor's shirt and my hubby was apparently more interested in getting a picture of the gorilla rather than using the flash. :)

Hollis did really well and was actually awake for a good part of the day but passed out shortly after getting her afternoon bottle.
She is so aware right now so even though she couldn't put it together that these were animals, I think she enjoyed just looking around at everything. 

I wish I would have gotten more pictures, but in true fashion my camera batteries died...

but I did manage to get a few on my phone after little miss sassy pants woke up just full of herself on the way home. :)
These are some of my favs!
Our little Irish babe!
Happy St. Patty's Day!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so behind I'm just now seeing this! We still gotta upload our pics. It was so much fun hanging out with yall at the Zoo! Those pics of Hollis smiling are adorbs!
