
Life Lately

Where to begin?! 
We have just been livin' life and enjoying our precious blue eyed baby girl!
She loves wearing hats!

Life has taken over and hasn't left much room for blogging lately but there are so many precious moments that I want to remember/capture, so I am going to try once more to stay up to date on this here blog.  Here is a glimpse into our lives lately thru pictures (via iphone)...

We are sitting in our high chair now like a big girl!
We love to sit on daddy's shoulders (and pull his hair)
Loves her walker that Nana and Pop bought...hasn't figured out the walking part yet, but loves being able to sit up straight.
Working on Nana and Pop's house-hope to do a little house update soon. 
They are moving the end of this month!
Getting ready for A-Day game this weekend
Easter Sunday
Mugshots with all of the kiddos this past weekend with this handsome guy

1 comment:

  1. Loved scrolling down and reading all your updates! And seeing updated pictures! H is getting so big and is precious. Can't believe she is already big enough to be sitting up! I can't figure out who she looks like? Mitch? I'm terrible at that anyway. Loved her Easter basket and loved your shirt and your hair from Easter too! :) Miss you guys! XO!
