
Ways to know you are getting old (in case you needed a reminder)

I recently came across this list of 25 ways to determine if you are getting old (or are already there) and sadly, there are more on this list that relate to me (or the hubs) than I would like...

1)You fall asleep in front of the TV-absolutely

2)You wake up feeling stiff-the hubs definitely and me sometimes, depending on if I have been motivated enough to exert some sort of energy

3)You groan when you bend down-not so much, yet

4)You're shocked by sexual music videos-do they still even make music videos?  I couldn't begin to tell you the last music video I saw...I used to live by TRL (Total Request Live with Carson Daly) on MTV and now the coolest thign on MTV is kids having babies...I'll spare you my soapbox on that topic for another day!

5)You hate noisy bars and restaurants-totally the hubs...he gets angry if he is in a bar with cigarette smoke

6)You think teachers, cops and doctors look really young-not there yet

7) You grow more ear and nose hair-thank God neither of us are here and hope we never are

8) You struggle to use technology-I think this one is pretty obvious that this is a struggle for me...exhibit A-this blog...pictures without edits-nuff said

9) You forget people's names-I would say the hubs is guilty of this bc he apparently just tunes that part of the initial greeting out completely

10) You don't know any of the top 10 songs on the radio-I usually know the songs on the radio but I struggle with the names of some of the bands on those award shows...they will be nominated for Song of the Year and I have never heard of the band or the song!

11) You choose clothes and shoes for comfort, not style-still all about the style aspect, but I will def sport my flippy floppies if appropriate :)

12) You start driving slower-if you know me and my driving at all, you should knwo the answer to this one :)

13) Your tastes change and you "like" older drinks, like sherry-wine is an "older"drink

14) You complain more- Actually I am trying to tame my attitude a bit in my older age

15) You misplace things more often-never been a huge issue for me, hopefully never will be

16) You think your co-workers keep getting younger-I don't think they are getting younger, but there is one that dresses like her 12 year old daughter...I'm not sure she is aware that shirts do come in a medium or even a large...even though times are tough, not necessary to wear your daughter's clothes

17) You take mid-afternoon naps-I have tried for years to convince our bosses to let us have "nap time" in the spare office, but for some reason they won't allow it...

18) You complain about all of the garbage on TV these days-totally guilty of this-I am blown away weekly with some of the new reality shows they come up with-->can we say Strange Addiction

19) Your ears get bigger-do peoples ears actually grow as you get older?  Never heard of this one

20) You like going for a nice Sunday walk-I love to take Wrigley for walks everyday...it's good for both of us, but the hubs is not into it so much

21) You're losing your hair-the hubs is going gray pretty quickly-also why is it that men who go gray look "distinguished" and women just look "haggard"?!

22) You go on vacation to a place that doesn't allow kids-this was the #1 criteria for searching for our recent vacay to Mexico, but we "compromised" the kids for the "all inlcusive" alcohol 24/7!

23) You develop and interest in gardening-the hubs is obsessed with redoing our yard and making it look like a model home in the last few months...I gave up the day we moved in

24) You like being carded for alcohol-I really get excited when they ask for my ID

25) You know your alcohol limit, and cut yourself off-The only reason I cut myself off is because I am about to go to sleep...there is a fine line between Yours Truly being a fun, lively drunk and falling asleep standing up! :)

So, how old do you feel? 
 I feel like I still have a fighting chance for a few more years...but for some of you, this was your wake up call...you're welcome! :)

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