
Chow Down Around Town-Ollie Irene

Let's play a little game of catch up, shall we?

I'll start with the most recent and work my way through to current to appease all of those readers sitting on the edge of your seats waiting to hear read what's happening in our not-so-entertaining lives! :)

Last night we ate at a place called Ollie Irene's (it was named after the owner/chefs grandmother-so sweet) in Mtn Brook Village.  It is a new restaurant featuring local ingredients in a new and different way and it did not disappoint.  The burger was delish as well as the eggplant caponata that I got, but the best thing there (other than the wine) was the dessert...

the Peach Tart Tatin!
It kind of looks like a breakfast dish in the pictures, but let me assure you that it was yummy! 

We had a good little group and it was the perfect example for why we continue to have our Chow Down dinners b/c we got to see and catch up with a few ladies that we have not seen in a while. :)
(ahem Melanie)

Ang (and Mattox), Mere, Julie, Bethany, Yours Truly, Erica, Phoenix and our long lost friend Mel!

Stay tuned...

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