
Dear Hollis,

You are due in just 2 short weeks and those weeks seem like years at this point.  We are so ready to meet you, hold you, love you and show you off to the rest of the world!

The emotions we have about your upcoming arrival are so overwhelming, I'm not even sure where to begin. 

We are excited. 
We are excited to meet you!
We are excited to see what you look like, see who's personality you have and watch you as you grow. 
We are excited to show you off to the world as the greatest accomplishment in our lives.
We are excited for you to meet your big brother too. :)

We are blessed.
We are beyond blessed that God has chosen us to be your parents and couldn't be more grateful.
We are blessed that you were conceived out of the greatest love we believe two people can have for one another. Your daddy is my world and you will quickly learn how lucky we are to have such a wonderful man in our lives!

We are terrified.
Terrified that we will not be able to give you everything that you deserve.
Terrified that we will not raise you in the way that God would want us to.
And if we are being honest, mommy is terrified on the big needle that will be going into her back-not a fan of needles. :)

We are sad.
Sad that this part of our journey is soon to be over. Being pregnant with you has by far been the most humbling, joyful experience of my life. 
We are sad that we will no longer lay in bed at night and feel you kicking and rolling around in my belly, laughing ourselves to sleep.

I'm not sure that this post can do justice to how much we wanted you and have waited for the most perfect timing to have you.  Hopefully one day you will look back on this and realize how loved you are and know that that will never change.

We love you so much!

Hurry up and get here already-the anticipation is killing us!


  1. Awww this is so sweet I may or may not have teared up a bit. You guys will make great parents, she will be blessed to have yall as her mommy and daddy!

  2. This is sooo sweet! And I too and so ready for her to be her! Can't wait to watch you welcome your baby girl! Love you friend!
