
Busy Weekend

I truly don't think that we sat down this entire weekend...we were too busy celebrating birthdays and running around crazy!
Friday night, we surprised one of my besties, Tiff with a happy.30th.birthday.even.though.your.birthday.isn't.until.July party at Trio's in Trussville! :) 

Her mom and sister's wanted to have a celebration for Tiff's 30th in February since they won't be coming home again until the fall and she won't be here to celebrate the big 3-0 with all of her friends and fam.  It was such a good surprise (b/c frankly who expects a birthdya party in February when your birthday is in July :)) and I'm so glad that we got to be a part of it.

with our babies
(and to think this time 10 years ago, we were getting ready to go to Blue Room or Tigris and now here we are with our babies-we are so lucky) :)
crafty people... :)
party animal just woke up wondering where she is now :)
Brooke and Tammy
Jess and Yours Truly

Saturday we were up bright and early (7am-thank you Hollis) to run some quick errands and get ready for Sawyer's 3rd Birthday party that evening!
I failed at taking any good pics at the party, but of course with every event with this precious family, the decorations and details were pure perfection!  The theme was choo choo trains and the kids loved it.  I lvoed the blonde oreo's, but that's beside the point. :)

 Hollis partied till she dropped...
Sunday we played general contractors/day laborers at my parents house cleaning up and getting ready for the next step in the rebuild.  I also recognize that I haven't updated on my parents house in a while, but plan on doing that soon.  The house looks so amaze-balls!!

We had really good help...
Loves her Nana!

So, by the time we left my parents house, got home, got everyone bathed, did laundry for the week and got ready for bed, this mama needed a weekend to recover from her weekend! Hoping this upcoming weekend has a lot of snuggle time on the sofa on the agenda! :)

1 comment:

  1. It was a packed weekend for sure. SO glad I got to see y'all - twice! The surprise 30th bday party was such a HUGE surprise...so awesome!! And see precious Hollis...who is growing like a weed! And thanks for all your kind words...I love planning parties! :) And yes. the golden (blonde) Oreo's are our fav!! I had some leftover...I should have sent some home with y'all. Love you guys!
