
Christmas in February? Why not!

I have always been a big believer in the "better late than never" philosophy, so here are a few pics of our very non-traditional holiday season!

This holiday season was so different for so many reasons-we had a newborn, my parents are still living in their rental house and b/c they are still living in said rental house, decorations/holidays supplies were done on the fly this year since all of their holiday decorations were burned in the fire.
Thanksgiving was a very low key fair, but we of course didn't skimp out on the yummy food! We have a super small family but still cook for a small army every year and I quite frankly love it! :)

Hollis was less than thrilled about the Thanksgiving festivities...

Much like Thanksgiving, our Christmas this year was slightly different since Hollis doesn't exactly understand the whole opening presents and celebrating vibe quite yet, but next year is going to be so much fun!  We can't wait until next year to watch her open presents and play with her toys!

Christmas morning in her pj's and Nana and Pop's!
Hollis did get to meet Santa though and even though that day was a day from hell-blowout in the car in the Christmas outfit, losing diaper bag in the middle of the mall, but we survived and got a beautiful picture of our baby girl, not crying in Santa's lap! Victory!

Even though this was not technically part of the holidays, I wanted to document Hollis' first Halloween-she was only 6 days old.

1 comment:

  1. days like the meeting santa day you described above make the best memories...you guys will laugh about that every year. Hollis looked precious in her holiday outfit and you guys are such a cute family!!
