
Playing catch up (times 1 billion!)

I have tried numerous times in the last week to start this post and have been at a loss for how to even begin to get caught up with all that has been going on in our lives in the last few months.  So, I am just going to start and see what happens.
I have so much that I want to document about Hollis' first few days/weeks at home, the holidays, a bunch of firsts for our little missy and how she is growing and am so terrified that if I don't write it all down soon, I will forget it!

For starters, Hollis is doing wonderful!
She is 3 1/2 months old and sleeping thru the night!! Yay!
She is still sleeping in our room in her Rock N Play (which is a lifesaver btw) but we do plan on transitioning her into her crib in the next month.
 Pray for us!
She has been on soy formula since she was about 2 months old (which is when she started sleeping thru the night too) and I stopped breastfeeding. 
Her little tum tum just could handle the milk-based formula and we def don't want those nights back anytime soon. We are having to put a splash of apple juice in her bottles to add a little bit of flavor since Miss H is not a huge fan. (don't judge us, it works, so we are going with it) :)
She has discovered her hands in the last month and they apparently taste quite lovely since they are in her mouth 99% of the time these days. Of course, we also think this has something to do with her teething (already?! I know! crazy) since she is a little drool factory lately as well.
She loves to sleep on her tummy (and on us of course) and we don't mind it one bit!
She was only about a week old in this pic
She learned to smile at around 7-8 weeks but it takes an act of congress to get a picture of her smiling-she's so serious when the camera comes out-we are def going to have to change that...pronto!

And as of last night she has learned to prop herself up on her elbows!

Words can not tell you how blessed we feel that we were chosen to be this little angels parents! It has def not been easy these last few months, but we wouldn't take anything for our sassy, stubborn, precious Miss Hollis Laine!
We love you to pieces!

And I promise to try to stay much more consistant with my posts so that we don't have to have a post a few months from now like this one! :)
More on our holidays, Hollis' newborn pics and much more!


  1. Yay for a new post and all the pictures. She is such a doll and I love hearing what she is up too. Still can't believe she is already sleeping through the night!! Looking forward to more posts soon!!

  2. She is so beautiful! And your little family is adorable!! I hope a post about big brother and Hollis is in the making!! :) I check often to see if there's a new post so imagine my happiness when there was one! I can't wait to hear - see - more!!!


  3. I understand tummy troubles. Big man is own nutramigen and it is for milk allergies and sensitive tummies. It is DISGUSTING. Hollis is beautiful and I know you are enjoying her.
