
Weird things I do daily

As I was getting ready for work this morning, I noticed some of the odd things that I do on a day to day basis.  Things that I do without thinking about it until it is pointed out to me that it is strange of different from the norm.  So, I thought it would be a somewhat interesting post, so we'll see where this takes us.  

Here are some of the odd things I find myself doing on a daily basis:

-I can not leave the house without telling Wrigley "I love you bubby...I love you!" <-- and I have to say it twice...call it OCD, I don't know...

-The hubs constantly reminds me of this, but to be honet I'm not sure if I'll ever get it-whenever I heat something up in the microwave, I always hit the 1 minute button regardless of what I'm heating up and will always leave a few seconds left on the screen.  I don't know why, but I really believe that it is going to cause the hubs to have an anxiety attack one day

-regardless if I am at work, in the car (riding , not driving) or sitting on the sofa and come across a few minutes, I will constantly stalk check facebook and /or Words with Friends...I admit I have a problem

-this one is the hubs fault-I always have to have the volume on an even number.  He started this years ago and his obsessiveness has rubbed off on me now!

-I have a very particular order that I get ready in-brush teeth, take rings off, shower, put makeup on, fix hair, put lotion on, put rings on, get dressed and then perfume.  If I ever have to stray away from this routine I will either forget to brush my teeth, not put on a bra or walk out of the house wearing nothing but perfume!

-I always place my glass of whatever I am drinking back in the exact same spot everytime...there will literally be a wet ring where ever my glass has been

-when we put Wrigley in his crate before we leave, I make sure that he can't see any of his toys that are not in his crate b/c I don't want them to taunt him throughtout the day!

I know I have either made you feel extrermely normal or seriously scared you!
What are some of the strange and unusaul things you do on a daily basis?

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