
Lazy days...

We had the best weekend! We did absolutely NOTHING and is was wonderful! The hubs and I decided to take it easy this weekend and we ended up not leaving the house but 1 time.  I love weekends like this one were you don't have anywhere that you have to be or things to do unless you want to.  I caught up on ALL of my laundry, did a little (very little) bit of cleaning , a little bit of cooking and a lot of watching tv and laying on the sofa!!!

Saturday was the only time we left the house all weekend and it was kind of an unplanned visit to Best Buy (nothing good ever comes out of going in that store btw). 
You see, last week we unfortunately got a virus on our computer and sadly found out that in order to get it cleaned up it would cost us a couple hundred dollars to fix and the computer is already 6 or 8 years old (thanks to my bro for letting us poor newlyweds have his old computer 2 years ago) :)!  We figured if we were going to spend a couple hundred dollars, we would at least get a new one out of the deal. So we got a new Gateway laptop and a printer to boot-I always love it when you get something to boot, right mom!)  We really love it so far and am very glad that we went for it! :)

 I have had this plan for a while now to start making double batches of stuff I make for dinner to keep  in the freezer for a rainy day.  So I made a double batch of the Sante Fe Soup to freeze and add it to my frozen meatloaf thanks to moms! :).  I love this soup so much and it really is so yummy! I don't have the recipe with me right now, but I will try to post it tomorrow.

*Note-I just noticed that the 2 pictures that I put on this post the hubs is partaking of an adult beverage...please do not get the wrong idea that that is all he did all weekend.  I just happened to catch those special moments while he had a few but hey, he's legal!! Sorry honey!  :)

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. I'm loving the adult beverages in the pics! =) Doesn't Mitch just love that he is on the blog all the time now?!

  2. He's a fan, he just won't admit it. But he is very good about just taking pictures and not arguing about it! :)
