
My First Award!

I received my first blogger award from my dear friend Jess over at Jess Explains It all today!  I am so excited to have gotten my first award, especially since I have only been blogging a short amount of time!  Thanks Jess! :) 

This is The Versatile Blogger award and it is awarded to those bloggers who are always showing new thoughts, ideas and expereinces.  This is for those who always keep it interesting and never boring...Congrats! 
There are rules that come with receiving this award that you follow and then pass on to other bloggers you like and/or think are versatile:
-Link to the person that gave you this award
-Post 7 random facts about yourself
-Pass the award along to bloggers who you think are fantastic!
-Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know that they have received the award

Here are my very random facts...

1)  I am a "what you see is what you get" kind of gal...no holding back here (you can ask my husband)

2)  I am the proud owner of a Great Dane who slobbers on pretty much everything we own and despite that fact I still love him to death and suprisingly it doesn't bother me as bad as I initially thought it would!

3)  I am a super control freak...I may come across as very easy-going most of the time but I truly like to be in full control of the most ridiculous of situations

4)  I am def a girly girl at heart but can also get down and dirty and go mud ridin' with the best of 'em!  (I miss those Auburn days in Tuskegee!)

5)  I secretly stress out WAY more than I should about my future children's names...I know this is ridiculous but I am terrified that I will pick a  name that they will grow to hate one day!

6)  I am a blog stalker in the worst kind of way!  I can't help it! :)

7)  I have a natural ability to remember the most random things...from what color shirt a girl wore at an event a year ago to all the words to songs after only hearing them a few times (this one is for you Jess) :)

I am sending this award to:
Amanda Pair
Jennifer Francis
Tara Gibson

This was fun and I hope it is not my last blog award!  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. thank you so much sweet girl! and thank you for your sweet email! Welcome to the blogger world!!
