
What will your future baby look like?

So I get these emails periodically from TheNest.com which is apparently the next step after you have gotten hitched.  (no honey I am not studying up) I ususally take a look see at what they have going on and today the title was..."What will your future baby look like?"  Now I don't know one girl that would not jump all over this..so I decided to try it. 

Now, I am hoping that this was a joke on the websites behalf b/c I am almost positive that our little girl will NOT look like this...

Not that there is anything wrong with what this poor child looks like, but to be honest I don't think that this fair-skinned Irish girl is going to reproduce this child!Something about the hair and facial features that just doesn't seem to add up! :) Too Funny!

In conclusion, if you do decide to be curious about your future children's looks, please do NOT take this seriously and choke it up to good fun...otherwise you may have nightmares for the rest of your life! :)


  1. Oh my gosh I just fell out of my chair laughing at this while on the phone with a parent who was talking about her depressed child...So unprofessional of me! But this is just hilarious!!

  2. I know! It made me laugh so hard! :)

  3. where is the link, so I can see what our crazy kid will look like?!
