
23 Weeks

How far along:
23 Weeks

Weight Gain:
9 lbs total, 0 lbs this week but I'm sure the 4th didn't help things so we will see on next weeks update! :)
Still great, but have been waking up on my back a lot more lately, which is odd for me. :)
Best moment of the week:
Getting baby girl's crib and the hubs putting it together!

Also-selfish side note-->I got my hair cut and colored and my very first spray tan this week and I can't tell you how much it did for my confidence and self-esteem! It made me feel like my old self again and it's always nice to get pampered every now and then.
And I have to admit the hubs thinks I look pretty cute too-I have caught him a time or 2 just catching a glimpse at his baby mamma and that also makes me feel like a million bucks!!
Oh, and spray tans may be my new addiction-no more spending months working up a tan in the tanning bed, go for 15 minutes and get sprayed with the same results-love it!
Food Cravings:
nothing crazy still, but still slightly more attracted to sweets like candy...again, odd for me.


lots more movement this week and she especialy favors my left side.  Not sure whats so exciting about that side but she apparently enjoys it!

What I miss:
Still nothing I really miss all that much...I'm just trying to enjoy every moment of this pregnancy b/c I can't believe how fast it is flying by!

What I am looking forward to:
Getting her nursery painted and the bedding in, which is supposed to arrive today!

We went to the doc Monday and everything looks great with me and Sweet Pea!  The doc measured my belly for the first time and I'm assuming I'm right on schedule bc she never said anything about adjusting my due date, so I guess thats good. :) 
We got to hear her heartbat and the doc confirmed that we do indeed have a belly dancer on our hands-she kept moving all over the place while trying to hear her heartbeat!

The next time we go to the doc I will have my sugar (glucose) test done-nto lookign forward to that, but hopefully everything will be fine!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE spray tans!! And the glucose test isn't that bad. And you look adorbs!
