
Happy Birthdays!!!

Two of my very favorite people in the world are celebrating their birthdays today!

First, our sweet nephew Hunter who turns 6 today! You are truly a blessing to your Uncle Mitch and Aunt Amanda and we love you so much! We hope that you have an amazing birthday and we can't wait to come play with you at your birthday party on Sunday(pictures to follow)!

Second, one of the bestests (def don't think that is a word but oh well) friends a girl could ever ask for, Tiffany! (you know how old you are, so I won't advertise that for you!) You are without a doubt one of the sweetest, most generous, fun, and thoughtful women I have ever known and I cherish our friendship so much! You are a great friend, an amazing matron of honor, the mom that I hope to be one day, my blog motivation, and a woman that I hope to grow old with one day watching our children play together! I miss you so much and hope that you have the best birthday!


  1. Amanda -- you are so sweet and I'm blushing at all the nice things you said! I love you tons and miss you like crazy! Thanks so much for the blog shout out and for not advertising my age...Ha! =) Let's catch up this weekend!

  2. And Happy Birthday to Hunter! =)
