
Prayers Answered and Prayers Needed...

Does it ever seem like when it rains, it pours...one bad thing after another seems to all happen at the same time?! Well that is what happened at the Thompson house this week so far...

Monday night, when I was supposed to have my girls night, I get home from work to a very sick puppy with some serious stomach issues (I'll spare you the details). Well this is no quick and easy clean up with a Great Dane, as you can imagine, so I had already prepared myself for missing out on the fun, food and wine. Luckily, Phoenix came to my rescue and proved that she is a true friend b/c she was willingly helping me clean up after my sick pup so that I could still make girls night! Thanks again Phoenix, I def owe you one! :) We ended up having a lot of fun and some much needed relaxation with my girls!

The other great news (not!)was that our washing machine decided to go out this week. We were praying that we would not have to buy a new one b/c that is definitely not in the budget for this month. Then Pop came to our rescue (just realized I have a lot of people coming to my rescue lately) last night and fixed our washing machine, meaning that we don't have to buy a new one! Yay!!!! Thank the Lord (and pop)!!!!

Thanks Pop, you are truly a God send (even if you didn't fix my washing machine you still would be)! I love you so much! :)

I do have a prayer request though and I need all the prayers we can get...

Without getting into too much details (I dont' know how much the family wishes to tell), we have a dear sweet couple who have been friends of ours for years that are expecting their first baby in December. They went Monday for the ultrasound to determine the sex of the baby (it's a boy!) and the doctors discovered some sort of abnormality/defect with the baby's heart. They are scheduled to go see a specialist some time this week for more information and hopefully get some better news. Please keep them in your prayers!

1 comment:

  1. Praying hard! Glad your washing machine could be saved! And that was awesome of Phoenix! Hope Wrigs is feeling better!
