
29 Weeks

Thanks Tiff for the shirt!

How far along:
29 weeks

Weight Gain:
1/2 lb this week, 16 1/2 lbs total

still good, but have been dying to sleep on my back a lot more lately-I guess you always want what you can't have b/c I've never been a back sleeper...

Best moment of the week:
Getting to see our Hollis in her 4-D ultrasound!
Granted, she was a little uncooperative (post to come), but it was still amazing to see her moving around. 

Food Cravings:
Ramen noodles have been really good lately and fresh fruit.


Lots still and I love it!  During the 4-D ultrasound we were able to distinguish what body parts were where and even though she still has plenty of moving around to do, it was fun to know when I feel a certain little bump under my ribs that that is more than likely her feet jabbing me!

What I miss:
Pants that fit-def had my first fit this week about not having many options in the pants dept.  Shirts are not a problem really but the pants, those are an issue and I feel like I wear the same things every single week to work!

What I am looking forward to:
Looking forward to making more progress in the nursery. I have found quite a few things that I think will go great in there, but just need to bite the bullet and get to it!
So much pressure to amek sure everything looks perfect!

Overall, I am still feeling great!  The doc said that my iron levels were slightly low which is no surprise since my iron levels are always low.
Just need to step up on the steak dinners honey!

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