
Living with Wrigley

 Normally these Living with Wrigley segments are all fun and games and adorable Wrigley-isms that happen in our daily lives. So we feel that for all of the good things we share about living with Wrigley, we can't be completely honest unless we show you some of the not so good/cute/adorable moments with our big galoot!

This is what you get when you leave a Great Dane named Wrigley at home for 12+ hrs by himself (note: he is still out of his crate and roaming the house freely) and a plastic bag with a quart of paint in it...

Yes, that is our brand new carpet...
Yes, it goes all the way up to the ceiling...

In his defense, we did leave him for an abnormally long amount of time and normally that's not the case, but it was a long day and he just got restless. 

He laid pretty low the rest of the weekend.  I guess redocorating takes a lot out of him. :)

He's lucky we love him...


  1. OOOOohhhhh nooooooooo. But look at that face!!!!! :)

    1. Yes, that face is what gets him out of a lot more things than it should!

  2. I still can't believe this happened! it's like he knew that carpet was new and wanted to add some color to it.

    1. He just wanted to do a little redecorating...
