
27 Weeks

I want to apologize for the delay this week. We got back from vacay on Monday, had a doc appointment (glucose test = passed!) on Tuesday and on Wednesday the hubs was in a wreck at work. He is fine, (just an idiot texting probably and decided to t-bone their work truck), but was very shook up, so needless to say, we have been slightly preoccupied but here is our weekly update on little one. :)

How far along:

27 Weeks!
Last week in 2nd trimester!

Weight Gain:
2 lbs this week, 16 lbs total

still no complaints, but did realize on our trip to the beach that I truly love the Snoogle and miss it very much when I don't have it!

Best moment of the week: Vacay to the beach with my honey...by far! So relaxing and much needed. 
 Post to come...

Also, we finally decided on a name for our Sweet Pea...
Hollis Laine!
It is so wonderful to finally have a name for our Sweet Pea!
I have truly struggled with the thought (and still do to be honest) of naming a person something that they will be stuck with their entire life! It is so stressful which makes it that much more of a relief to finally be decided.  We love it! Now to get on with Hollis' nursery! :)

Food Cravings:
Obviously while at the beach you want some good seafood, so I was def looking forward to some of the gulf's finest! :)


But I will tell you, our little one likes to play games.  I noticed the end of last week that she wasn't moving around as much as she normally does and mentioned it to Mitch.  Not that I was super concerned, jsut more aware I guess.
Well, I think she heard me talking about her and from then on has been doing jumping jacks in there ever since! :)

What I miss:
Not going to lie, a turkey sandwich  from Jersey Mike's still sounds pretty awesome, so I'm going to go ahead and put in a request for one after her arrival!
 Any takers?!

What I am looking forward to:
Well, this is my last week in the 2nd trimester and as much as I don't want to wish this wonderful time (and energy) away, I can't wait to stat the 3rd trimester and be that much closer to meeting Hollis!
Also, we go back in 2 weeks for our 4-D ultrasound and we can't wait to see her!
We are on the every 2 weeks visits from now until the last month...crazy how it flies by!


  1. Yay for Hollis! I can't believe how quick the time has flown by! She will be here before we know it!

  2. Can't believe you are already in your 3rd trimester! Crazy...but so exciting! And I love her name. You look great, btw!
