
Hollis' 1st headshots

Monday we went for Hollis' 1st (yes, I said 1st meaning, we will be going back for a 4D re-do in 2 weeks) 4D ultrasound!  It was so amazing to be able to see her moving her tiny little fingers around, opening and closing her eyes, yawning and even sticking her tongue out!

This was the first time that we have been able to see her as a her, as Hollis, b/c the last ultrasound we got at 19 weeks, we still didn't know if she was a he or a she yet, so that was pretty amazing to know we were looking at our daughter for the 1st time! :)
I may or may not have popped a tear...

As you read above, she was not super cooperative and apparently LOVES to have her hand in front of her face a.lot! We were able to get quite a few goods ones with some maneuvering and poking but the sweet ultrasound tech told us to come back in 2 weeks to see if we can get some full face shots and who are we to say no!

Proof that she does in fact have some hair-even though we aren't sure how thick it is

Hand up by her mouth, where it stays most of the time

Mouth open

opening her eyes

Yawning-apparently we were boring her :)

Tongue sticking out...

Both of her hands in front of her face...

And last but not least, my fav...peace sign!

Words can't describe how grateful we feel that we were able to see our little bundle and that everything looks to be perfect!
I have heard quite a few stories over the past week that have made me realize more than ever just how lucky we are!

We love you Miss Hollis Laine!!!
(and hope that you are slightly more cooperative next time!)

1 comment:

  1. These are so amazing! She's just precious! And yay for some hair. I just love her too!
