
Wow, I'm pregnant...weird

Coming to the realization that I'm 30 weeks preggers and will be having a baby in 2 1/2 months (or less) is just now hitting me. It's crazy to think that Mitch (my Mitchell) and I will be parents by the end of football season, before Christmas, hell even before Thanksgiving!
  It's a hard thing to wrap my head around but we could not feel more fortunate for not only this precious little girl but for such a wonderful pregnancy in general. :)

Since day 1, weird has been my word of choice in describing pregnancy. I have found myself using that word more in the last 7 months than I think I ever have before.

It's weird...to feel something inside of you move around.

It's weird...to look at your husband as the soon to be father of your child, as a daddy and not just your hubby.

It's weird...to have complete strangers that would normally have nothing to say to you, stop you in the store and ask you when your baby is due.

It's weird...to think that you get to name this little person something that will stick with them for the rest of their lives-no pressure?! :)

It's weird...that you lose your belly button. <--had to do this this past week- moment of silence please :(

It's weird...to look at an u/s and know that that human being is inside your body (especially when you are still very early and can't feel the baby move yet, but can see them wiggling all over the place on the u/s.)

It's weird...to think that we only ahve 9 more weeks to go!

It's weird...to see how quickly your body changes in such a short period of time...

It's weird...to just now look at these comparison pictures of yourself for the first time and can't believe how much I've changed! :) crazy!
It's weird...to think that God has chosen us to be blessed with this amazing gift that not everyone gets to experience in life! :)

This list could go on for days about different little quirks, but I'll spare you. These are just a few of the many thoughts that have run through our heads over the past few months.

Have a wonderful weekend! :)


  1. Pregnancy is weird, for sure...but in the best possible way. Sometimes I still look at my boys and can't believe I helped create them and carried them in my belly for 40 weeks. So, well...weird! ;) It truly is such a miracle!

    And don't fret...you'll get your belly button back! ;)

    1. It is truly such a blessing and I am constantly amazed by how it all works!
      Good to know about the belly button! :)

  2. Aww this post is so sweet!
    It is weird once she is here... to think about how you ever were in this world without her! You will love her soooo much! I can't wait to meet her!
